Traffic cone is a safety device used in roadway construction and maintenance

black base traffic cone

Traffic cone is a safety device used in roadway construction and maintenance 

 18" Black Base Cones  | 28" Black Base Cones | 36" Black Base Cones 


A traffic cone is a safety device used in roadway construction and maintenance, as well as in other situations where temporary traffic control is needed. Typically made of plastic, rubber, or vinyl, traffic cones are lightweight, portable, and highly visible.

The primary purpose of a traffic cone is to alert drivers and pedestrians to a change in traffic patterns or to a hazard in the roadway. For example, cones may be used to mark off a lane closure or a work zone, to guide traffic through a detour, or to indicate the location of an obstacle in the road, such as a pothole or a fallen tree limb.

In addition to their visibility, traffic cones may be equipped with reflective tape or other markings to enhance their visibility at night or in low-light conditions. Some cones may also be fitted with retractable belts or chains to create a temporary barrier, or with built-in flashing lights to provide additional warning to drivers.

When using traffic cones, it is important to follow established guidelines for placement and spacing, as well as to adhere to any relevant laws and regulations. In general, cones should be placed in a consistent pattern and at regular intervals, and should be spaced far enough apart to provide a clear path for vehicles and pedestrians.

Proper use of traffic cones can help to improve safety for both workers and road users, and can help to reduce the risk of accidents and injuries in construction and maintenance zones. By understanding the purpose and best practices for using traffic cones, individuals and organizations can help to ensure that they are used effectively and responsibly.