Prioritizing Safety for All Road Users

Prioritizing Safety for All Road Users in 2023

Prioritizing Safety for All Road UsersComplete Streets – Prioritizing Safety for All Road Users in 2023

The Department of Transportation's Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has released a new report on the benefits of "Complete Streets" policies for Winter 2023. The report highlights the importance of designing streets to be safe and accessible for all users, regardless of age, ability, or mode of transportation.

Complete Streets policies prioritize safety and access for pedestrians, bicyclists, public transportation users, and motorists, making streets safer and more convenient for everyone. The FHWA report provides a comprehensive overview of the benefits of Complete Streets policies, including improved safety, increased economic activity, and improved quality of life for communities.

The FHWA report presents a wide range of data and analysis on the effectiveness of Complete Streets policies in Winter 2023, including case studies from cities and towns across the country. The report showcases the success stories of places that have adopted Complete Streets policies and provides guidance for communities looking to implement similar policies.

Prioritizing Safety for All Road Users

According to FHWA Administrator Nicole Nason, "Complete Streets policies have proven to be effective in improving safety and access for all road users. By prioritizing the needs of pedestrians, bicyclists, and public transportation users, we can create more livable communities and make our streets safer for everyone."

The report also highlights the importance of community engagement and collaboration in the development and implementation of Complete Streets policies. FHWA recommends involving all stakeholders, including residents, business owners, and transportation professionals, to ensure that the policies reflect the needs and priorities of the community.

In addition, the report emphasizes the economic benefits of Complete Streets policies, including increased property values, increased retail sales, and job creation. Complete Streets policies have also been shown to reduce transportation costs for individuals and families, leading to more disposable income for other expenses.

The FHWA report concludes with a set of recommendations for communities looking to adopt Complete Streets policies. These recommendations include conducting a thorough analysis of community needs, engaging stakeholders in the policy development process, and prioritizing safety for all road users.

As Winter 2023 approaches, FHWA encourages communities across the country to consider adopting Complete Streets policies to improve safety and access for all road users. By prioritizing the needs of pedestrians, bicyclists, and public transportation users, communities can create more livable environments and make their streets safer for everyone.

Safety for All Road Users

For more information on Complete Streets policies and the benefits they provide, visit the FHWA's website at


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